Get Involved
We Need Everyone
There are lots of ways you can help! Firstly, this is an audacious plan. If you are knowledgeable about the subject and have any critiques/feedback/additional info, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out.
We have a growing network of support, but any of the following professions can be useful to the cause.
Community Organizers
Local Area Experts
And more!
The best way to support this proposal is to sign our petition and tell your friends about this idea!
We will have stickers available shortly.
And lastly, I have spent countless hours in coffeeshops working on this and on the road driving to meet folks who are willing to help. I am not asking for money, and this is not a 501c3 nonprofit (yet), but if you'd like to buy me a coffee or pay for gas or website fees, that will support my initial efforts towards bringing this idea to life. ~Sean